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Hi, I am Funda, an artist from Kassel Germany. 

I make environment/background design for animation and games.

I am an art director for short film projects and an illustrator.


Since 2017 Student in Visual Communication at Kunsthochschule Kassel ( Art and Design School Kassel, Germany ) focused on Environment Art,  Art Direction and illustration at Animation and Games.

F E S T I V A L S 

2021 - Smolshorts Film Festival - Sankt Petersburg - Another Room Meeting

           Nomination: Experimental Animation

2021 - 38. Kasseler Dokfest (38th kassel documentary film festival) - Kassel, Germany - Another Room Meeting

           Nomination: World-Blowing

2021 - 12.HHFT Hessischer Hochschulfilmtag (the 12th Hessian University Film Day) - Hessen, Germany - Another Room Meeting

           Nomination: Animation

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